From Life..... For Life
Update of technical sheets
The new versions of the technical sheets of all our products are now available on the web. Just go to our animal nutrition product or chemical industry product pages to get them.
The new versions of the technical sheets of all our products are now available on the web. Just go to our animal nutrition product or chemical industry product pages to get them.
The GPS of each quality appears in our information tables. This index is the most accurate and appropriate measure of fat unsaturation (gps = degree of peni-saturation). But how is it calculated? The % of each unsaturated fatty acid is multiplied by the square root of its number of double bonds. - All these products are added and the…
For those who wish, we have guaranteed GMO-free products. Following what was ordered by Brussels in regulations 1829/2003 and 1830/2003, currently in force, we have begun to inform on our delivery notes and invoices whether our product is "free of GMOs" or is "produced from GMOs", in all or in part (it is enough that a…